Thursday, January 12, 2012

Modern-Day Classics That Must Be Re-Visited

Some movies are such that they don't satisfy our hunger in a single-viewing. Calling such movies masterpieces or gems would be a gross understatement. These movies are not only critically-acclaimed and mass-loved but they manage to delve into our psyches and remain etched in our memories like the engravings on a stone. I've not include the popular ones like 'The Godfather' , 'Gone With The Wind' etc but   some highly-acclaimed and some lesser-known ones.

1. Fight Club.

Directed by the legendary David Fincher, This Helluva movie not just entertaining throughout but is also throughly savage and disturbing.
The spell-binding act by Edward Norton, Bradd Pitt and also by Helena Bonham Carter transcend the film to altogether different levels.
It is a movie that requires multiple viewings to fully take-in the symbolisms hidden throughout.

IMDB SynopsisA ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a slippery soap salesman channel primal male aggression into a shocking new form of therapy. Their concept catches on, with underground "fight clubs" forming in every town, until an eccentric gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion. 

My Rating: 10/10.

2. Requiem For A Dream

Directed by Darren Aronofsky, the movie may be a bummer to some audiences, so harsh is its view of the drug culture.
 The jump cuts, split screens and jarring, distorted images used to show lives spiraling out of control may be found by someone to be a bit repetitive but it is necessary for a film that shows the adverse effects of drug-abuses.
The movie can serve as a perfect anti-drugs campaign.

IMDB Synopsis: 
Drugs. They consume mind, body and soul. Once you're hooked, you're hooked. Four lives. Four addicts. Four failures. Despite their aspirations of greatness, they succumb to their addictions. Watching the addicts spiral out of control, we bear witness to the dirtiest, ugliest portions of the underworld addicts reside in. It is shocking and eye-opening but demands to be seen by both addicts and non-addicts alike.
My Rating: 9/10

3. Memento

Name any psychological thriller and there are high chances that Memento springs to mind. Directed by one of the most intelligent and smart filmmakers of recent times, Christopher Nolan, Memento is a mind-numbing and a mind-boggling masterpiece. 
The ingenuity employed in the film by showing the film by showing scenes alternatively in reverse order chronologically as well as 'In-Order' the film keeps the viewer on the edge-of-the-seat throughout. 
The scenes manage to evoke a mixed bag of emotions comprising shock,sympathy,terror etc...It's one of the many psychological thrillers  but not one of them...Both..Confounding and equally clarifying.
It is a must must watch for all...
Synopsis Not Required for Such A Gem.

Rating: 10/10 + Two Thumbs Up...

4.Mulholland Dr.

 Perhaps a lesser-known movie, directed by the twisted director David Lynch, no synopsis or a summary can do justice to the movie. The Movie is as twisted as any movie can get. It is also a Hate-It Or Love-It kind of a movie where either the viewer feels haunted long after the show concludes or he feels cheated by the director.
Anyways the movie traces the life of a wannabe young actress with dreams to make it big in Hollywood. There are many subtle nuances throughout the movie and the viewer needs to pay full attention to fully grasp the meaning the movie tries to convey. Dark and Disturbing....

Rating: 8.5/10.

5. Following

This has to be one of the least-known gem but also one of the most-promising debut by the genius, none other than, Chris Nolan. The 69-Minute movie shows what a genius can do to a seemingly normal plot of murder and double-crossing. 
It's a low-budget gem par-excellence. 

Synopsis: A young writer who follows strangers for material meets a thief who takes him under his wing.
Rating: 9/10.